Before And After Driveway Sealing: The Benefits And Process Explained

As an asphalt paving contractor, it is important to have a full understanding of the process and benefits associated with driveway sealing. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of the process and benefits related to driveway sealing.

It will discuss what happens before, during, and after the application of sealer, as well as explain why driveway sealing is important for asphalt pavement maintenance.

The application of sealer is an important part of asphalt pavement maintenance. It protects the pavement from weathering and deterioration, while also providing aesthetic appeal.

In order to understand how this process works and what benefits are associated with it, it is necessary to look at each stage in detail. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the process and benefits associated with driveway sealing.

before and after driveway sealing

What Is Driveway Sealing?

Driveway sealing is like a protective layer that helps to preserve the life of a driveway. It is a process that can be used for both asphalt and concrete driveways, with the purpose of protecting them from deterioration caused by weather, sun damage, and other natural occurrences.

Driveway sealing involves applying a sealant material to the surface of the driveway, which helps to prevent water from penetrating through and causing damage. The sealant material can be applied using either a squeegee or sprayer, and will form an impervious coating on the surface of the driveway that will protect it from all types of extreme weather conditions.

The sealant also provides UV protection for the driveway, which will help keep it looking new for longer periods of time. Additionally, regular sealing will ensure that any cracks in the driveway are filled and sealed before they have a chance to become larger problems.

Driveway sealing is an important part of maintaining an asphalt or concrete driveway. The process helps to extend its lifespan while keeping it looking great year after year. By regularly maintaining your driveway with sealing, you can ensure that it remains in good condition for many years to come.

What Are The Benefits Of Driveway Sealing?

Sealing a driveway is an important part of asphalt maintenance that can offer long-term benefits for both homeowners and commercial property owners. Asphalt paving contractors recommend sealing your asphalt driveway approximately every three to five years in order to extend the life of the pavement and improve its resistance to damage from weather, oil spills and other elements.

Sealing a driveway can also improve the look and feel of it by creating a smooth, glossy finish. The sealer used for driveway sealing is designed to repel water, salt, oil and other materials that can cause damage and accelerate wear on your asphalt driveway. This protective coating helps prevent cracking and erosion of the surface layer, and it also fills small cracks that may have already appeared in the pavement.

In addition, sealer helps prevent weeds from growing between the stones or pavers on your driveway. Driveway sealing should be done by an experienced professional who understands how to properly apply the sealant and ensure that it adheres properly. Doing so will help protect your investment in your asphalt driveway and minimize future repair costs due to premature wear.

With proper maintenance, your asphalt driveway should last for many years without any major repairs being needed.

What Happens Before Driveway Sealing?

Prior to driveway sealing, it is essential to clean the surface of the driveway to prepare it for the sealing process. This will help ensure that the sealing is done efficiently and effectively.

It is also important to prime the surface before sealing to help ensure that the sealant will stick to the asphalt and last longer.

Furthermore, any cracks, holes or other damages should be repaired prior to the sealing process in order to prevent further damage from occurring.

Proper preparation of the surface before sealing is essential to achieving the best results and having a long lasting seal.


Before driveway sealing, it is important to make sure that the surface is thoroughly cleaned.

This involves clearing away any debris and dirt that may have accumulated on the asphalt surface.

Such debris can include rocks, leaves, grass clippings, and other objects.

The area should also be free from any oil or grease spots as these can affect the adhesion of the sealant material.

After this has been done, a pressure washer may be used to remove more stubborn dirt and grime from the surface.

Finally, a scrub brush can be used to scrub away any remaining dirt residue.

Proper cleaning of the asphalt prior to sealing will ensure that the sealant applied will adhere properly to the pavement for effective protection and a longer lasting finish.


Once the surface has been properly cleaned, priming is the next step in preparing for driveway sealing.

Priming helps to ensure that the sealant material adheres to the asphalt and provides a longer lasting finish.

Primers are specially formulated for asphalt pavements and should be applied in several thin coats, allowing each coat to dry completely before adding another.

It is important to pay special attention when priming around edges and corners of the pavement as these areas can be more difficult for sealants to adhere to.

Furthermore, caution should also be taken with any cracks or holes in the pavement as they must be filled prior to priming in order to create a uniform surface.

Once the primer has been applied and dried, the area is finally ready for sealing.

before and after driveway sealing


Prior to driveway sealing, it is important to repair any existing damage on the asphalt surface.

Cracks and holes should be filled with a high-quality asphalt filler designed for use on pavements.

The filler should be applied in thin layers and allowed to dry completely before being levelled off with a trowel or similar tool.

Depending on the severity of the repair, it may be necessary to apply multiple coats of filler.

Once the repairs have been completed, it is essential that the area is smoothed and levelled off to create a uniform surface prior to priming and sealing.

Additionally, any loose debris or gravel should be removed from the area prior to priming and sealing.

What Happens During Driveway Sealing?

Before driveway sealing can begin, the surface must be thoroughly inspected by an experienced asphalt paving contractor. This is done to identify existing damage and to determine if repairs are necessary prior to the sealing process.

In addition, it is important to ensure that the surface is free of dirt, debris and vegetation before any sealant can be applied. Once these initial steps have been taken, then driveway sealing can commence.

The driveway sealing process involves applying a liquid-based or water-based sealant onto the paved area. The sealant forms a protective barrier on the paved surface that prevents water from penetrating and causing further damage.

In order for it to be effective, the sealant must be applied in two layers – one layer for protection and one layer for adhesion. The contractor will then use a squeegee or roller to spread out the sealant evenly over the entire driveway.

Once all of the sealant has been applied, it must be given time to dry completely before any traffic is allowed on it. This usually takes between 24 – 48 hours depending on weather conditions such as temperature and humidity levels.

After drying time has elapsed, the contractor will inspect their work again to check that no further repairs are needed before they consider the job complete. With this final inspection done, property owners can enjoy a newly sealed driveway with added protection against water damage and deterioration in years to come.

The next step is to understand what happens after driveway sealing? Proper maintenance of your driveway is key in order to maximize its life expectancy and ensure that your pavement remains protected from potential damage caused by moisture or other elements such as sunlight and extreme temperatures.

What Happens After Driveway Sealing?

After driveway sealing is completed, the asphalt will have a deep black color and the surface should be smooth and even. The new sealant provides protection from UV rays, water damage, oil spills, and cracking. Asphalt paving contractors can also add a sand mix to the sealant for improved traction in wet conditions.

The following are a few of the key benefits of having your driveway sealed:

  • Increased Curb Appeal: A freshly sealed driveway will greatly improve the appearance of any property.
  • Increased Durability: Sealing an asphalt surface will help to protect it from wear and tear caused by weathering and automobile traffic.
  • Improved Safety: Adding a sand mix to the sealant can provide better traction when walking or driving on wet surfaces.
  • Easier Maintenance: Regularly sealing your driveway will reduce maintenance costs over time as it will require less frequent repairs or replacement.
  • Overall, having your driveway sealed is a great way to extend its life while improving both its aesthetic appeal and safety features. It is important that you work with an experienced asphalt paving contractor to ensure that the job is done correctly for long-lasting results.


    The benefits of driveway sealing are undeniable. It protects the driveway surface from weather damage, prevents cracking, and improves the overall appearance.

    The process is straightforward and can be completed in a few hours. By using the right sealer, it is possible to extend the life of your driveway significantly.

    To ensure optimal results, it is important to seal your driveway every two years or so depending on wear and tear. Timely sealing during the summer months helps prevent cracking caused by cold temperatures in winter.

    With proper maintenance, your driveway will remain protected for many years to come.

    Frequently Asked Questions
    How Much Does Driveway Sealing Cost?
    Driveway sealing costs can vary depending on the size of the driveway and quality of materials used.

    Generally, an asphalt driveway sealer can cost between $0.10-$0.30 per square foot, which works out to be around $100-$300 per 1000 square feet.

    On average, it is recommended that a driveway should be sealed at least once every three years to keep it in good condition and prevent further damage from occurring.

    How Long Does It Take To Seal A Driveway?
    The process of driveway sealing typically takes one full day for a typical two car driveway, however larger driveways may require additional time.

    Ideally, the contractor will arrive early in the morning to begin work and allow the sealer to dry overnight.

    It is important to avoid any vehicle traffic on the newly sealed surface until it has been allowed sufficient time to cure.

    The sealant should be given 24 hours to fully cure before any vehicles are driven on it.

    What Type Of Sealer Should I Use?
    As the old saying goes, ‘you get out of it what you put into it,’ and this is certainly true when choosing a sealer for your driveway.

    With so many types of sealers available in the market, it can be difficult to determine which one is best suited for your driveway.

    Asphalt paving contractors often recommend using a coal tar emulsion sealer, as it provides good protection against elements like water and ultraviolet rays.

    This type of sealing also helps to reduce cracking due to aging and wear, making it a great choice for long-term durability.

    How Often Should I Seal My Driveway?
    Sealing a driveway is an important maintenance procedure that should be done every two to three years.

    This process prolongs the life of the asphalt and helps protect it from damage caused by weather, chemicals, oil and gasoline.

    Properly sealed driveways are more resistant to cracks and potholes, which can be costly to repair.

    In addition, regular sealing increases the driveway’s aesthetic appeal.

    To ensure optimal results, it is best to have your driveway professionally sealed by an experienced asphalt paving contractor who will properly prepare the surface and apply the sealer according to manufacturer’s instructions.

    What Is The Best Time Of Year To Seal A Driveway?
    The best time of year to seal a driveway is often determined by the climate in which you live. In areas with cooler climates, fall is usually the best time of year to seal a driveway. This is because temperatures are often warm enough for asphalt to properly bind with the sealant, and cooler evening temperatures allow for more complete curing of the materials.

    In hotter climates, spring or early summer may be the optimal time to apply a sealant as it will be cooler and less humid than during mid-summer months. It’s important to take into account other factors such as rainfall when determining when to apply a sealant; too much moisture can prevent proper bonding between the asphalt and sealant.

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